Consulting #Konsalting

Our consultants have an average of 10 years of real business experience to address the robust needs of any organization or project.  Rather your organization is small, medium or large, Park City Cons has the experience and resources you can trust. We understand how to design and develop certification or accreditation ready management systems from the ground up.  We guarantee your management system will get certified or accredited at a reasonable cost by accredited certifying bodies.

Naši konsultanti imaju u proseku 10 godina realnog poslovnog iskustva za rešavanje robusnih potreba neke organizacije ili projekta. Bez obzira da li je vaša organizacija mala, srednja ili velika, Park City Cons ima iskustvo i resurse kojima možete verovati. Mi razumemo kako da dizajniramo i razvijemo iz temelja sisteme menadžmenta spremne za sertifikaciju ili self-assessment. Možemo da vam obezbedimo konsalting kako da vaš sistem menadžmenta bude sertifikovan uz razumne troškove od strane akreditovanih tela za sertifikaciju.


Auditing #Sprovođenje Audita

Performing Gap Analysis, Internal and Supplier auditing are crucial to the effectiveness of your management system. Consistent and effective audits ensure continual effectiveness, conformance, compliance, and improvement of operations.

Sprovođenje gap analize, internog audita i audita dobavljača su ključni procesi za efikasnost sistema menadžmenta svake organizacije. Konzistentni i efikasni auditi obezbeđuju kontinuiranu efektivnost, usaglašenost, usklađenost i poboljšavanje poslovanja.


Training #Obuka

Park City Cons provides ISO compliant training to support your management system needs. We offer public and onsite “instructor-led” training courses.  Employees will receive customized training that is interactive, with the ratio of 40% theory and 60% workshops, and involves students in the learning process. Request a specific date(s) for your group and we will come to your site. 

Park city Cons pruža akreditovanu obuku za podršku potrebama vaših ISO sistema menadžmenta. Nudimo seminare i onsite kurseve vođene od strane iskusnih predavača - tutora. Kandidati će dobiti prilagođenu, interaktivnu obuku, sa odnosom teorija 40%  i radionice 60%, koja animira kandidate u proces učenja. Organizujemo na zahtev inhouse obuke za vaše zaposlene gde naši predavači dolaze na vašu lokaciju po dogovoru.


For an improvement of your business we will engage the best Consultants who are  experienced and educated for the ISO Standards you want to implement.


We would like to help you how to prepare your ISO documents and your records as better as possible. We are at your disposal during and after implementation and certification of ISO Standards. Plan - Do - Check - Act is our moto.

2015 Copyright, Park City Cons, All Rights Reserved, +381216321669, Novi Sad, Serbia